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CARKU held the mid-year summary meeting of 2022“Strive hard and keep moving forward”

August 30,2022 Facebook Linkedin YouTube

On July 23rd and 24th, CARKU held a mid-year summary meeting in Shenzhen and Huizhou, with a total of 53 participants, including Chairman Charles Lei, General Manager Michael Zhang and other senior and middle-level leaders and sales elites.


The meeting was divided into three major parts: "mid-year meeting", "retreat meeting" and "camping activity", including mid-year summary, topic discussion and relaxation.

Mid-year Meeting

In the morning of July 23rd, middle and senior leaders of CARKU, heads of departments and other management personnel participated in this meeting. The mid-year meeting aimed to summarize the work in the past six months and formulate the strategies required to achieve the goals in the second half of the year. In the meeting, the heads of each department compared and analyzed the data of the first half of the year, and made improvements based on them, and proposed more scientific and rationalized work targets for the second half of the year.


Chairman Charles Lei made a concluding speech to the meeting and pointed out, "In realizing the implementation of the company's strategy and the development of the second half of the year, we should innovate our thinking, improve efficiency, clarify our goals, make full use of existing resources, strengthen team building, achieve rapid revenue growth beyond expectations to reach our goals, and work together to realize value and create wealth."


After the mid-year meeting, the attendees went to Huizhou Happy Reservoir campground by car to participate in the retreat meeting and camping activities respectively.


Retreat Meeting

The retreat meeting was held at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was divided into four groups for discussion. After some intense discussions, the group members were awarded with corresponding prizes for their remarkable performance.


The significance of the retreat meeting is not to arrive at a definite answer, nor to gain victory and make the meeting a battlefield. For the participants, the meaning is to feel the power of thinking and discernment through the discussion of the topic. With this mindset, the first session of the retreat ended with a discussion on the topic.


Camping Activity

In the afternoon, the conference staff arrived at the venue to meet with other staff, and with the collaboration of all colleagues, the required ingredients and facilities were finally prepared by 4:00 pm.


By the end of the day, with sufficient preparation and the concerted efforts of all colleagues, the originally empty site was equipped with many recreational facilities.


Whether it's cooking tools for barbecue and fondue, or lighting equipment to create a camping atmosphere, they can all function properly with the support of the CARKU portable power station.


With the starlight to go to sleep, with the morning light to welcome a new day.


After enjoying a breakfast of their own making, the retreat participants collectively arrived at the meal site to begin the second round of topic discussions, while the logistics team loaded the various supplies they had brought, finished organizing them and headed to the meal site to meet the others.



The CARKU portable power station was still fully charged until the next day, and the "solar charging" function gave people peace of mind that they would not have to worry about using electricity.


After enjoying a delicious meal, colleagues returned to their home, and the 2022 mid-year meeting and retreat came to a successful conclusion.



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