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CARKU First Sport Meeting for Fun

October 30,2017 Facebook Linkedin YouTube

The first sport meeting is held by CARKU group on October 28th,   which is aimed to do exercises , get united, and improve physical& mental wellbeing. Around 500 people, 
who are young, energetic, powerful, took part in the funny sport meeting, they are from different affiliate companies:
CARKU (Shenzhen headquarter ), focus on researching, developing,selling car jump starter to the global market.
CARKU (Huizhou manufacturing), focus on producing car jump starter and CARKU BOX with shared power bank.
CARKU BOX, focus on shared power bank with carku box, mainly sell in national market, and begin to enter oversea market.
CARKU IT, focus on software and hardware on consumer electronics, automotive
JJ umbrella, focus on shared umbrella.

CARKU First Sport Meeting for FunCARKU First Sport Meeting for Fun

CARKU First Sport Meeting for Fun

All people were divided into 8 groups to compete each game. Each group wore jacket in different colors to distinct people from different groups. the activity lasted the whole days, every period was arranged with different games.  Competing running dragon, Capturing territory with balls, Jumping in kangaroo dress, Rolling in the big rollers, tug of war, 400-meter-run, 5,000meter long run. Everyone is positive to join every game and do their best to perform well. The most importance is that everyone is like children to have fun.

CARKU First Sport Meeting for FunCARKU First Sport Meeting for Fun


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